Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Great Service Companies

Great Service Companies

Reference in hosting,maximumasp,service,tony hsieh,zappos by Stacy Griggs

We work in an industry that is completely about service. There are a number of other strategies you can focus on including price, technology leadership and niche marketing. But the true leaders in hosting focus on service. Price and technology are important too, but easily duplicated by your competitors and in the case of price leadership mutually exclusive from being a great service company. Delivering great service takes great people and lots of them, along with a significant investment in automation. Across every industry, low cost providers are rarely the leaders in service. Today I wanted to explore three traits that all great service companies share.

Common Sense of Mission In great service companies everyone knows the mission the end game. Employees and managers know how they and the company are measured; these key metrics are published frequently and impact people compensation.

Empowered Employees These are the people providing your service, they better be smart enough to make the right decision and trusted to do so. If every employee in your organization isn empowered to do their job, you will end up doing their jobs for them.

Great Culture Recession or not great employee are in demand, you need to make your company an employer of choice. There are a number of ways to do this, pick the ones that work best for your organization.

I study great service companies to learn what they do and how I can replicate it at MaximumASP. One of my favorite service companies to follow is Zappos, Tony Hsieh is an inspirational leader who focuses his company on being a worldclass service organization. I spent some time at their HQ in Nevada last year; they are incredible I plan to write more about my visit to Zappos in a future post.

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