Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Houseplant Encyclopedia

The Houseplant Encyclopedia

Plant adapted for growing indoors, commonly a member of a species that flourishes naturally only in warm climates. Two factors contribute to the success of the huge number of species grown as houseplants: they must be easy to care for, and they must be able to ENCYCLOPEDIApruning pruning, the horticultural practice of cutting away an unwanted, unnecessary, or undesirable plant part, used most often on trees, shrubs, hedges, and woody vines. , watering, pest and fungus fungusAny of about 200,000 species of organisms belonging to the kingdom Fungi, or Mycota, including yeasts, rusts, smuts, molds, mushrooms, and mildews. Though formerly classified as plants, they lack chlorophyll and the organized plant structures of stems, roots, and control, and propagation of seeds andcuttings. The core of the book is a 250page, alphabetical listing ofrequirements for sun, water, atmospheric humidity, and fertilizer andwhether or not the plant is poisonous. Each entry also includes theplants scientific name, native habitat, flowering time, andpotential uses. Firefly firefly or lightning bug, small, luminescent, carnivorous beetle of the family Lampyridae. Fireflies are well represented in temperate regions, although the majority of species are tropical and subtropical. , 2006, 384 p., color images A digital color image is a digital image that includes color information for each pixel.

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